Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Personalized URLs - The Ice Cream in a Chocolate Sundae

Heidi Tolliver-Nigro conducted a PURL survey and announced the results on The Digital Nirvana. Click here to view the blog post for the survey results. A large number of the respondents seem to have a lot of misconceptions about PURLs. Many of the "reasons" why marketers/printers don't use them are due to a lack of understanding of their technical and creative benefits or they lack the proper resources inside their companies to launch the campaigns.

The other issue is that PURLs by themselves don't necessarily provide the "umph" a marketing campaign needs. Some comments that I've heard regarding PURLs are:
  • "Wow, that's cool... now what?"
  • "Gee, that's nice."
  • "Yea...PURLs...interesting technology."
Many of the existing MOD applications on the market today, such as integrated online promotions and automated call campaigns compliment PURLs and increase the response rate of those campaigns. It's sort of like a chocolate sundae; the ice cream by itself is good, but all the other ingredients make it superb!